Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Chapter 1

Chapter 1
A.      Background of Study

A lot of people are addicted to sports. Nowadays, sport is not just for past time purposes in fact, they have also been used for competition around the world.  Since ancient times, sports are used to settle arguments in different regions. In Greece, where Olympic Games originated, sports are used to settle what city or province is the strongest and most influential. But sport is not just for people who play, it is also for people who love entertainment. Sport has been a form of entertainment since its origin and people are willing to waste their time watching other people compete with each other.

Most people play sports because of the benefits it gives to our health. From simple physically related things like running and jogging to extreme sports like basketball and football, makes our body physically fit and healthy. Also, it gives big positive contributions in out mental health. Also, doctors around the world recommend sports as a recreational activity for everyone.

According to an article entitled “The Mental Health Benefit of Sports” by Treacy Colbert that I found in the website said that Centers of Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) said that regular physical activities sharpen mental behavior as people age. The author also reported that doing 30 minutes aerobic and muscle stretching exercises can make your body fit. Sports team also gives us the concept of thinking what we should prioritize.

The author also said, “When you are physically active, your mind is distracted from daily stressors, freeing you to think more creatively. Exercise reduces the levels of stress hormones in your body, such as adrenaline and cortisol. At the same time, it stimulates production of endorphins, which are natural mood lifters that can help lower your stress levels. Endorphins may even leave you feeling more relaxed and optimistic after a hard workout on the sports field.”(

With that being said, sports really play a big role in our mental and physical stability. It helps us boost not only are physical capabilities but also the sharpness of our thinking and deciding skills. Also, it gives people the passion to do something and thinks quickly. Sport is not just a waste of time and energy. It boosts people in different aspects.

                The people who enter sports develop body discipline. Players of different sports begin to have a daily work-out or exercise that can boost their body in all aspects. For example for Basketball players they do lay-ups before they proceed in a game while for boxers they do cardio-vascular related exercises every day. Players tend to do this in order to discipline their body in the strict rules they will be facing in every game they face.

                But despite the discipline, most people are getting injured because of physical matters of the game. Because of some accidents during the games, some players tend to be hurt. But people already know that these accidents will happen if they become careless in their moves. In fact, people see these accidents as somehow funny. They even take note of every accidents happening in sports competition.

According to an article entitled “The 40 craziest Freak accidents in Sports” by Austin Schindel that I found in the website of ranked different sports accident that happened in the entire era of sports. He also narrated what happened during the time those accidents happen. Some of them are mild injuries from wrong moves and accidents but most of them are bizarre injuries that even caused them months and years from stopping them to play.

The author also said, “From cutting yourself while sleepwalking to sneezing too hard, these people, who are supposed to be the best competitors in the world, get hurt just like you and me, the common folk.When reading this list, you will laugh, you will fact-check and most probably, your jaw will drop—and I guarantee you will be entertained.” (

These accidents somehow made the players famous by gaining sympathy and respect from sports fans. These injuries didn’t make them look weak but it made them look like passionate individuals who will do anything just to win every competition they join.

However, despite all these injuries, people still join and involves themselves in sports. In spite of all the accidents they encounter they still prefer playing sports than staying comfy in their houses. Therefore, having background information about sports will give the people reasons why they engage themselves in playing sports.

Instead of dealing with people who are famous in the field of sports, this paper will focus in explaining the reasons why people are addicted to sports.

B.      Statement of the problem

This study aims to answer this question:

1.       Why are people addicted to sports?

C.      Significance of the study

College Students of Human Kinetics and Physical Education. Students of Human Kinetics and Physical Education will surely benefit in this paper in terms of knowledge related to sports and the advantages and disadvantages it gives. This can also give preparation on their studies as it goes by.

Teachers and Professors of Human Kinetics and Physical Education. This paper will give a brief yet brief explanation on the reason behind the addiction and obsession of people in sports. Also, the researcher hopes to give idea on what activities they can give and lesson plans they can prepares for their students.

Athletes. This study can give tips and information on how to take care of your body physically and how can people somehow prevent accidents in competitions. Moreover, this paper will give explanation behind the addiction of every athlete in  their chosen field.

Sports Enthusiasts. Knowledge regarding sports will be given to enthusiasts in terms of explanation regarding their interest. It is also given that enthusiasts will be eager to know the reason behind their interest in this study will answer that question in their minds.

Future researchers. This paper can give ideas to people who are determined to know more about this topic. The researcher also hopes to help researchers know more about sports in order to clear misconceptions and stereotypical views regarding sports.

D.      Scopes and Limitations

This study will be focusing on explaining why people still involve themselves in sports regardless the misfortunes and accidents waiting for them. Reasons behind the obsession and addiction of people in sport will also be included.

History and different types of sports will no longer be discussed because they will not be adding new information and data for readers. This paper will also give weight on why people became addicted to sports. The researcher also believes that there is a certain explanation regarding the long time popularity of sports.

E.       Materials and Methods

This paper will be getting information, data and news in the internet. Blogs, online researches and forum for statistical views will be accepted in order to answer the thesis statement.  Concepts in blogs will give a clear answer in answering the reasons on addiction of people in sports.

Data and information will be analyzed carefully depending on their strength and applicability. Relevant various sources such as online articles specializing in sports will be the first choice in every information included in this paper.

F.       Definition of terms

Athlete. A person who is trained in or good at sports, games, or exercises that require ohysical skill and strength.

Competition. Act of trying to get or win something that someone else is also trying to get or win.

Sport. A physical activity (such as basketball, volleyball, swimming, etc.) that is done for enjoyment.

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