Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Blogpost #8 : Chlorine in swimming pools can cause asthma to swimmers

Every summer, my family would likely to go in a resort with many pools, unlike others who much prefer swimming in a beach. I feel good when I sink in a pool, specially it the water is cold. My friends and I sometimes go in a resort for us to enjoy ourselves swimming in a swimming pool. I noticed that most pools have different colors when it comes to water. I now recognized the coloring substance that they mix is the chlorine. 


Chlorine is a substance or chemical that is said to clean water. However there is also an effect to our health that we do not know. According to the article entitled "Chlorinated Swimming Pools Can Cause Asthma In Swimmers" by Allan Finney in a site called "" that chlorine in swimming pools can cause many different breathing problems such as asthma and many more. During the Olympic games held in Australia, it  is reported that more than one quarter of the American team suffered a degree of asthma.

Allan stated "The problem is not the chlorine but what chlorine turns into when combined into organics". Maybe chlorine does really helps in cleaning the water but when the chlorine is  mixed with any other substance it can be dangerous to our health . Some of us does not mind the chlorine at all but maybe some other time, they might be able to see the symptoms.

I have read an article entitled "Avoid swimming pools if you have allergies or asthma" by Joseph Mercola in a site called "mercola" that chlorine in a pool is very dangerous to our health because of the way our body absorbs chlorine and many chemicals mixed in the pool aside from chlorine. 

Joseph stated that "Most public pools are overloaded with chlorine, as the well-intentioned people who maintain public pools overly shock them with chlorine to make sure bacteria and other organisms get snuffed out quickly". Joseph is right, there are some people who over pour chlorine thinking that it will clean the pool faster. The more chlorine you put, the more lives of people you put on danger.

Blogpost #7 : Too much sports is bad

I do play basketball most of the time because it is fun specially when I face stronger opponents. I love basketball so much that I spend my time watching video tutorials in the internet in order to improve my style of play. Whenever I see an empty gym, I lace up my shoes and start dribbling, the only opponent I need to beat is myself and I need to get better and better everytime I play baskeball. With that kind of attitude I could say that I'am a sporty guy. I do really love to spend my time playing rather than sitting in front of my computer. What I do not know is, too much sports could be bad for myself. I thought that the more you play sports the more you can get healthy.

According to the article entitled "Too Much Sport For Teenagers May Be as Bad as too Little" by Laurie Barclay in a site called "medscape" that sport practice can be widely encourage, both in guidelines and clinically practice because of its broad range of positive effects on health. However, the sport duration and the elements remains unknown, researchers are searching to determine sport durations that were associated with poor well-being. Higher levels of pro-inflammatory cytokines have been reported in very high and chronic sport practice which will result to a negative impact on physical and mental health.

Laurie stated "these results highlights the importance for physicians, caring for adolescents, to follow-up their level of sport practice and concurrently inquire about their well being" For me, playing and practicing hard in sports depends on how you treat your body into it. If you exceeded your limitations there might be some negative things that could happen to you, otherwise, there is also some positive things because of the fact that you have exceeded your limitations and brought you to a whole new level.

I have read an article entitled "Too much sports may be bad for teens health" by Honor Whiteman in a site called "medicalnewstoday" that physical activity has been associated with positive emotional well-being, reduced depressive anxiety and stress disorders, and improved self esteem and cognitive functioning in children and adolescents. They found that sports practice apparently ceased to be a protective factor and became an independent risk factor for poor well-being when practicing more than twice the 7 recommended hours per week.

Honor said that "regardless of their decision to pursue their level of practice, these adolescents probably need a supportive and closer follow up of their health and well-being". Honor is right, it depends on us on how long can we play or practice the sport we love. If you think you can still go then go, if you feel you cannot continue then rest until you are fully recovered. However, if you don't know how to handle yourself then you may need a guide or a trainer to schedule and limit you according to your abilities.

Blogpost #6 : Soccer header can be dangerous


When we are watching football, we are being amazed when a player scored a goal by using his head rather his foot. Professional football players are able to manipulate the ball using their heads. They can balance the ball and bounce it according to their will. We find it amazing and sometimes we try it out in our home. When I tried it, the ball seems to be heavy and it feels like my brain is shaken everytime it bounce. I ended up feeling dizzy and my head seems to ache a little bit. After desperately trying to imitate those athletes, I ended up asking myself, Why are they capable of doing it continously without being dizzy, and without experiencing pain? I searched many different football articles and i found out that frequent headers can be dangerous.

According to the article entitled "Frequent soccer headers may leave lasting brain damage" by Michelle Castillo in a site called "cbsnews" that research are shown that players hit the ball with their heads are more likely to have brain abnormalities similar to people who are known to had concussions. They studied the sport of soccer because it is one of the famous sport in the world. Researchers and doctors found out that an athlete who executes header had more chances of brain damage. Some athletes who retired playing soccer are experiencing long-term brain damage because of the header.

Michelle said that "Soccer players who frequently do headers may be setting themselves up for brain injuries". I agree with Michelle, players who does header may not know the consequences of doing it. Maybe after some long time, the symptoms of the brain damage will be quite visible. Still, many players are still doing this move in order to perform and contribute for the team without knowing what further risks this move can give.
I have read an article entitled "Repetitive soccer ball 'heading' could lead to brain injury" by Loren Grush in a site called "foxnews" that most athletes who experience similar types of brain abnormalities are the soccer players. By utilizing advanced magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) techniques, researchers from the Albert Einstein College of medicine in New York City found that numerous repetitions of the soccer move called "heading", are associated with adverse brain changes comparable to those found in patients with traumatic brain injury (TBI).

Loren stated that "we need to do research and confirm what the risk are, and if they are confirmed, develop ways to address them". We people should know the risk of the sport before the moment we play it. We need to make sure that the moves we make are safe for us to execute in order to play safe and healthy. I agree with Loren, the moment that a problem has been seen, we need to think fast in order to solve it and find a way to share it. Therefore, many people could be cautious about the things that they are doing. It is better to be safe rather than sorry.

Blogpost #5 : A Brain Training Game That Improves Your Vision

Playing computer games, watching television, surfing the net, uploading photos, downloading torrents, and chatting. Those are the hobbies of the new generation teenagers including myself. I do really love to spend more time in surfing the internet because of the fact that it will provide me many useful information. I love to watch videos in Youtube mostly tutorials, specially when it comes to basketball moves in order to improve my basketball skills. Eating in front of a computer is also my habit. I enjoy eating while watching those latest anime episodes from the internet. However, all of this habits are damaging the most important part of our senses, our eyes. Due to long exposure to the monitor which may lead to many eye problems like near- sightedness (myopia), astigmatism and many more.

According to the article entitiled "Brain training game improves vision and success of baseball players" by Honor Whiteman in a sight called "medicalnewstoday" that a video-game vision training could improve a baseball player's vision and also skills. Scientist and researchers now conducted several test and training to baseball athletes. According to the Snellen eye-chart  20/20 is classed as normal vision. However after the players complete the video game training, the researchers  found that some players saw their vision improve to 20/7.5. That means that an average person can read at a distance of 7.5 feet and those players who undergone training are able to read at a distance of 20 feet. It is really helpful for people who had eye problems like me.

 Honor Whiteman said "This type of vision training can help improve not only sports performance, but many of these activities in non-athletes as well". I'am really happy for what Honor had said. It could really be a big help for us who have many different eye problems. I hope that this kind of training will be reachable to people who like to undergo this kind of training. It could lessen the money being spent for eye operations and lessens worry for people who does not have enough money. I have read an article entitled "Training your brain to improve your vision" by James Hamblin in a site called "theatlantic" that there is a fun and rewarding game called "Ultimeyes" that could improve vision and also reverse the effects of aging eyes.

 "We suggest that this approach has great potential to aid many individuals that rely on vision" said James. This app is available on itunes and I hope that I could see it in the playstore. Due to this modern era, many people now are experiencing problems in the eyes. This research will be a big thing in helping to recover people in their eye problems not only physically but also mentally. The eye is one of the most important senses, therefore we need to take care of our eyes and learn how to adjust in today's modern world.

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Blog post #4: Sports Superstition, what is it?

When we are watching sports we always notice that the player or the athletes are doing something inappropriate before, after, or during the game. We often ask ourselves why are they doing that. For us it is weird, for them it is good luck. They believe that if they did something unusual it will enhance the flow of the game. Like in the game of baseball, baseball is one of the sports who seems to have a lot of superstition. It is said that if you put a wad of gum into your hat or helmet it will bring good luck. Well, we see some players who actually do it but we can't tell the difference of doing it and not doing it.

According to the article entitled "Athlete's superstition and rituals" by Elizabeth Quinn in a site called "sportsmedicine". A superstition is generally something that is developed through hindsight, through accident and then required in future events. A superstition arises when a player established good playing performance and wants to repeat it once again. In order to repeat it once again, the player will recall what did he does when he played well before. If they are able to get a good performance by doing what he did before, then the athlete will probably do it again every competition.

 Elizabeth stated that "Perhaps the real value of superstition and ritual is the athlete's boost of confidence and the sense of control that they provide." I agree with Elizabeth because superstitious belief is not yet even further explained by science, it is just a belief that makes yourself feel secure and confident.

 I have read an article entitled "The power of superstitions and rituals in sports" by Liam Blackwell in a site called "thesportinmind" that superstition is some kind of an extra power or boost for the player. It is repeated not just because to bring good luck but also to give the athlete a much better set of mind. It could be the clothes you wear, the food that you have eaten, the equipment, the habit, anything that a player can think of and had given him some kind of idea that the ritual actually works.

 Liam stated that "This recall and visualization prepares them both mentally and physically for a successful competition." Liam is true, superstition is not proven and explained yet, but in the world of sports it is much more better to believe in something rather than nothing.

Blogpost #3: An athletes' personality


When we are watching sports, specially when it is the crucial part of the finals. Some of us are wondering if how are they capable of handling the very tight situation. How can they be strong enough to accept certain challenges coming through their careers. Like in the NBA, Kobe Bryant's game winning three pointer is a perfect example. Kobe and the Lakers were down by 2 points against the Portland Trailblazers but he never hesitated in taking the game winning shot. What certain characteristics does an athlete have? Are they different from us ordinary people? We know that they are also like us, but what gives them the attitude of an athlete? According to the article entitled "The "Athletic Personality"-mere myth?" by Allen Guttmann in the site called "Britannica" that beyond the fact that athletes are physically more active than non athletes and the equally obvious fact that athletes drawn to individual sports score higher on "autonomy" and "independence" than athletes devoted to team sports. Two American psychologists David McClelland and John Atkinson examined the difference of the need for achievement and the fear of failure. Male athletes has a natural characteristics of being aggressive and being competitive, while female athletes are more becoming "masculine" because of having high scales in competitiveness and aggressiveness.

Allen Guttmann stated "Gender accounts for some of the observed differences. Although female athletes are increasingly similar psychologically to male athletes, they continue to respond more readily than men do to encouragement and to react more negatively than men do admonition."


Allen is right, women who are engaged in a challenging sports are more likely to be more masculine. The atmosphere of the game enhance the personality and the skill of the athlete depending on the situation. Men are only normal to experience this things since they are the one who could endure such emotional and physical challenges. Women who are already masculine enough to compete like men are the ones who is engaged tightly to the sport they have chosen. Some female athletes chose to be more masculine than the other female athletes in order to have an advantage in the game. Female athletes who are more masculine has a high chance to become a lesbian. I have read an article entitled "How mental attitudes shape performance" by Delice Coffey in a site called "sportspsychologytoday" that the personality of the athlete depends on their skill and what is happening in the game. Personality depends on the mental toughness of an athlete, and he/she is the one who will decide in which action will he/she take.

 Delice stated that "A player's mental attitude shapes his performance every bit as much as his physical condition and both should be kept in peak condition in order to achieve peak performance". Delice is right, not only the physical condition should just be trained, but also the mental state of a person in order to handle those heavy situations. Male or female, it does not matter which gender you belong, as long as you work hard and ready yourself to take the spotlight.

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Blogpost #2: Steroids' effect on athletes

Wondering why some athletes sometimes appear invincible?, or strong enough to defeat opponents without appearing tired? . Some athletes uses steroids in order to maximize their performance during the game. Having additional strength and power, athletes are now more confident in competing the sport. But why do athletes take steroids even if it is banned in most sports? Athletes who uses steroids are actually cheating. Athletes who caught using steroids will be suspended in the game. Instead of training and practicing their skill they rely on steroids in order to win. What does really steroids bring to an athlete?

According to the article entitled "Effects of Androgenic-Anabolic Steroids in athletes" by Dr. Fred Hartgens and Harm Kuipers  in a site called "Springer Link" that androgenic and anabolic steroids (AAS) are synthetic derivatives in male hormone testosterone. They can exert strong effects on the human body that may be beneficial for athletic performance.
 Dr Fred Hartgens and Harm Kuimpers stated that "The main outward effects of short and long term AAS abuse that male athletes most often self report are an increase in sexual drive, the occurence of acne vulgaris, increased body hair and increment  of aggressive behaviour." I do believe in what do the authors say, Steroids can give you much strength and add some motivation to your body. However, using steroids in such competition is not fair and should always be prohibited. It should be used to medical purposes only and not to enhance an athlete performance. It do really have the advantage to improve your physical attributes but there are also negative outputs.

I have read an article entitled "ANABOLIC STEROIDS: Side Effects" by Harm Kuipers in a site called "Sportsci" that Anabolic steroids can affect male reproductive system, prolonged use of anabolic steroids (AS) in relatively high doses will lead to hypogonadotrophic hypogonadism, with decrease serum concentrations of LH, FSH, and testosterone.
 Harm Kuipers stated that "The orally administered AS have more adverse effect than parenterally administered AS". Harm Kuipers also stated "One of the problems with athletes, in particular strength athletes and bodybuilders is the use of oral and parenteral AS at the same time ("stacking"), and in dosages which may be several (up to 40 times) the recommended therapeutical dosage. The frequency and severity of side effects is quite variable. It depends on several factors such as type of drug dosage, duration of use and the individual  sensitivity and respose." There is a saying "too much of good stuff is bad" Having many steroid dosage is actually pretty bad for the body of aspiring athletes who wants to excel in sports, thus, they should not take steroids because of the regulations. They must play fair, think fair, and act fair. There is no easy progress in real life. If you really want to achieve something, you must really work hard for it.

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Blogpost #1: In the Zone!

Playing sports? Well, most of us people love sports. We play it, we watch it, but most of us does not know some terminologies that those sports analyst often say. "Being in the zone", it is often said by the game commentators when we watch sports like basketball. Do we really know the meaning of the so-called "zone"? Do athletes really experience being "in the zone"?

According to the article entitled "Understand THE ZONE in sports" by Mike Edger that I found in a site called " sportpsychologytoday" The "Zone" is a state of supreme focus helps athletes in all sports perform at their peak potential.
In that article Mike said that "When you are in the zone your mind only processes only the thoughts and images that help you execute your task successfully".


Being in the zone is quite exciting, it could really help our athletes in achieving their full potential. While an athlete is in the "zone" his/her hidden abilities seems to be unlocked. While in the zone an athlete may do various things that he/she cannot do in an ordinary state. For example, much faster reflexes. 

I read an article entitled "You Need Mental Toughness To Get In The Zone" by Bill Cole in a site called "sportspsychologycoaching" the six characteristics of zone are:

1. Balance between the challenge of the situation and your skills.
2. Concentration on the task at hand
3. Sense of Control
4. Loss of self-consciousness
5.Time seems to alter 
6. Your performance is automatic

Bill stated that "Athletes who possess mental toughness can handle emotional, mental and physical challenges, and hardships and don't complain. They can tolerate frustration and block goals and continue to persevere. They accept criticism without feeling attacked".
 Ordinary people like me, even though I play a lot of basketball, still has not experienced in entering the "zone". Those athletes who had entered it really did a lot of hard work in the beginning and it is the reason of where they are now. Athletes that loved their sports so much that worked hard are the only ones chosen to enter the "zone". No matter what "zone" or state of mind you enter, what does really matter is the hard work you give in your life for you to succeed. Kevin Durant  once said "Hard work beats talent".